
Linux Distributions release structure

Latest versions of Linux Distros are available for download at any time from each Distro’s home page or through the links provided in DistroWatch web site. Below we have provided direct links to the download page of most popular distributions for your easy access.

Many Linux Distros including Ubuntu and its supported flavors (such as Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu Mate, Lubuntu, etc) and also all Ubuntu-based distros (like Linux Mint) have a  particular release structure, LTS release and Rolling release.

The  Long Term Support (LTS) versions are released every two years usually in April (named as 16.04, 18.04, 20.04, etc) and is supported for five years. An LTS release is Enterprise-focused, compatible with new hardware, and more thoroughly tested than non-LTS releases so if you are looking for stability and support, install only the LTS releases.

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS “Focal Fossa”

The Rolling release or non-LTS versions are released every six months usually in April and October (named as 19.04, 19.10, 20.10, etc) and is supported for nine months so if you want a more cutting-edge distribution, go with the Rolling release.

Ubuntu 20.10 “Groovy Gorilla”

Popular Distro’s download links

A quick link to the download page of each distribution is provided below, we recommend downloading iso images. Please refer to our Services page to learn more about creating Bootable USB drives to be used as Linux live device.

For a brief description about each Distro, refer to our Distributions page.

Useful utilities

Below you can find download links for some handy utilities which may help you to setup your new system. You can download them here from our web site, or alternatively download these apps from their original web sites.

Please refer to our Services page to learn more about utilizing these apps.

Direct links to download utilities from :


Download via package manager or software centre

Unlike Windows, in a Linux environment you don’t have to look for executive files of each application and install it through a setup wizard. You can just search for it in the software centre of your distro and click on the “Install” button available, enter your admin password and its done. The software centre will automatically download the software package from its repositories, install it, and set it up for you. For removing the app follow the same process and click “Remove” in the software centre. If you are familiar with the Terminal (command line) you can also use the Terminal (or konsole) to install and remove applications with a couple of commands.

The software centre or package manager of your distribution is responsible for handling software and application installation, update and removal. When you want to install an application, the package manager will download the appropriate package from its configured software repositories.

Software Repositories

Linux users don’t normally download and install applications from the applications’ websites, like Windows users do. Instead, each Linux distribution hosts their own software repositories. These repositories contain software packages specially compiled for each Linux distribution and version.

Package Managers & system updates

Think of a package manager like a mobile app store – except they were around long before app stores.  When an update is released, your package manager notices and downloads the appropriate update. Unlike on Windows, where each application must have its own updater to receive automatic updates, the package manager handles updates for all installed software — assuming they were installed from the software repositories.

Read more: : How Software Installation & Package Managers Work On Linux

Download from application’s web site

In some occasions, for example when an application is not available through the software centre of your system, you may need to download it directly from the application’s website. You’ll likely see a variety of download links for different package formats and Linux distributions which you will need to choose the one compatible with your system. See example below.

Please refer to our Services page to learn more about how we can help you with installation and setup of your applications.